Not Treating Dental Issue Could Lead to System Body Damage
Posted on 6/7/2021 by Dr. Goodis
Some people do not realize that neglecting their dental health can impact their health overall. Therefore, you need to regularly brush your teeth at least twice daily and floss once a day. Devote about 2 minutes per session that you floss or brush your teeth.
Why You Should Treat Dental Issues Immediately
While a dental issue may begin as a trivial concern, such as a small cavity, it will only worsen over time. That small cavity can lead to a problem with deep decay and a serious dental infection. If this occurs, it can affect your heart's health or lead to other health problems, such as cancer, respiratory difficulties, or tissue and bone loss.
Do You Have Periodontal Disease?
If your gums bleed when you brush your teeth, you need to get more than a professional cleaning. You need to schedule a deep cleaning, such as scaling and root planing (SRP). After you undergo the therapy, you need to commit to brushing your teeth and flossing regularly. A deep clean will prevent the germs from a dental infection from entering your bloodstream and causing health issues, such as an abscess, bone loss, further gingival recession, or the development of a disease.
What the Research Reveals
Research data shows that a lack of gum and tooth care often leads to problems, such as pneumonia, cancer, or heart disease. If a dental infection is not treated immediately, it can trigger a condition known as sepsis, leading to a breakdown of the organs. Therefore, how you take care of your teeth is indeed important to your health overall.
Do you have signs of decay or problems with bleeding gums? If so, give us a call today and schedule an exam and cleaning. Be proactive about your dental health so you can enjoy a better quality of life.