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Abscess - infection caused by severe tooth decay, trauma or gum disease

Amalgam - a silver and mercury material used for fillings

Anesthetic - a drug used by your doctor to eliminate a patient's localized pain during certain dental procedures

Anterior - the teeth in the front of your mouth

Apex - the very tip of the root of a tooth

Aspirator - a suction device your dentist uses to remove saliva from your mouth


Bonding - a plastic composite painted on the teeth to correct stains or damage

Bridge - one or more artificial teeth attached to your adjacent teeth

Bruxism - the clenching or grinding of teeth, most commonly while sleeping


Calculus - the hardened plaque that can form on neglected or prone teeth, commonly known as tartar

Canine - the pointy teeth just behind the laterals

Caries - another name for cavities or decayed teeth

Cavity - a tiny hole in the tooth caused by decay

Central - the two upper and two lower teeth in the center of the mouth

Crown - an artificial tooth or cover made of porcelain or metal

Cuspid - the pointy teeth just behind the laterals, also known as canines


Decalcification - the loss of calcium from the teeth

Dental Implants - an implant is attached to the jawbone to replace a missing tooth or teeth

Dentures - a removable set of artificial teeth


Enamel - the hard surface of the tooth above the gumline

Endodontist - a dentist who specializes in root canals and the treatment of diseases and infections of the dental pulp (inner tooth)

Extraction - the removal of a tooth or teeth


Filling - a plug made of metal or composite material used to fill a tooth cavity

Fluoride - a chemical solution used to harden teeth and prevent decay


Gingivitis - inflammation of gums around the roots of the teeth

Gums - the firm flesh that surrounds the roots of the teeth


Impacted Tooth - often occurring with wisdom teeth, it is a tooth that sits sideways below the gumline, often requiring extraction

Incisor - one of the flat, sharp-edged teeth in the front of the mouth

Inlay - a custom-made filling cemented into an unhealthy tooth


Lateral - these are the teeth adjacent to the centrals


Night Guard - a plastic mouthpiece worn at night to prevent grinding of the teeth; also used to treat TMJ


Pedodontist - also known as a pediatric dentist, a dentist that specializes in the treatment of children's teeth

Periodontist - a dentist specializing in the treatment of gum disease

Plaque - a sticky buildup of acids and bacteria that causes tooth decay

Posterior Teeth - the teeth in the back of the mouth

Primary Teeth - also known as "baby teeth"

Prosthodontist - a dentist specializing in the restoration and replacement of missing teeth or severely damaged teeth


Root - the portion of the tooth below your gumline

Root Canal - cleaning out and filling the inside nerve of a tooth that is heavily decayed


Sealant - plastic coating applied to teeth to prevent decay. Used most commonly for children

Secondary Teeth - the permanent teeth

Sleep Apnea - a potentially serious disorder in which a sleeping person may stop breathing for 10 seconds or more, often continuously throughout the night


TMJ Syndrome - a disorder associated with the joint of the jaw, often caused by a misalignment of or a disparity in upper and lower jaw sizes.

Tooth Whitening - a process designed to whiten and brighten teeth


Veneer - a plastic, porcelain or composite material used to improve the attractiveness of a stained or damaged tooth

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Dentist Lakewood CA • Lakewood Dental Arts - Dental Glossary
Here at Lakewood Dental Arts, we understand that certain dental terms and names for procedures and services can be confusing at times. Check out our dental glossary!
Lakewood Dental Arts, 5555 Del Amo Blvd, Lakewood, CA 90713-2307 | (562) 384-1091 | | 3/12/2025 | Page Phrases: dentist Lakewood CA |