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Home Dental Services Endodontics

What Is an Endodontist?

Dentist working with advanced technology at Lakewood Dental Arts in Lakewood, CAEndodontists are dentists who specialize in saving teeth through different procedures which involves restoring the inside of a damaged tooth, usually through root canal therapy. While many general dentists offer root canals, few are as skilled and well-qualified as a trained endodontist.

At Lakewood Dental Arts, we are honored to provide the best possible microsurgical endodontic care to all members of our community! Our Endodontist is board certified and has advanced training in endodontic procedures. Top-notch endodontic care leads to a more comfortable treatment experience, better overall outcomes, and even a faster healing process.

Microsurgical Endodontics

Microsurgical endodontics is that aspect of endodontics which evolved after the introduction of the Surgical Operating Microscope (SOM) to endodontics in the early 1990s. These microscopes allow for better visualization during the procedure through magnification and greatly improved high intensity lighting.

Why Visit an Endodontist?

Generally speaking, each tooth is comprised of three major biological materials: the enamel, the dentin, and the pulp. The pulp, which contains blood vessels, connective tissues, and nerve endings, can be found at the center of every tooth. It also extends down to the roots and is largely considered the lifeblood of each tooth.

If the enamel layer is damaged due to tooth decay or trauma, it can leave the dentin and pulp vulnerable to infection. An infection in the pulp is not only extremely painful; it can threaten the life of the tooth. For this reason, a severe toothache usually requires the help of an endodontist and should be addressed as soon as possible.

Ultimately, you may be referred to an endodontist to save a diseased or damaged tooth from extraction. While we mainly do root canal therapy, we also offer some other procedures to address cracked teeth and dental trauma. We will be able to determine what type of endodontic treatment you need during your initial consultation appointment.

What Does Endodontic Treatment Involve?

We offer several different forms of endodontic treatment, some of which include:
•  Root Canals
•  Endodontic Retreatment
•  Regenerative Endodontics
•  Endodontic Surgery Apicoectomy
•  Correcting Cracked Teeth
•  Addressing Dental Trauma

Most of these treatments involve the removal of the infected or diseased tooth pulp, dentin, or enamel. To help save the tooth, we must stifle the spread of infection by removing the pulp and replacing it with a rubber-like material known as gutta-percha.

Sealing off the root canals with gutta-percha helps keep bacteria out of the tooth and prevent future infections. However, a tooth without the nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues found in the pulp typically becomes very brittle over time. Most teeth that have undergone endodontic treatment are usually restored by a general dentist with a dental crown. Crowns help restore the function and appearance of a damaged tooth.

Schedule an Appointment Now!

If you suffer from severe tooth pain, or you have simply been referred to our office, our team is here to help! Call (562) 384-1091 to schedule your initial appointment now!

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Endodontics Lakewood, CA • Lakewood Dental Arts
Here at Lakewood Dental Arts, we proudly employ an endodontist on staff in order to treat other dental concerns, such as performing a root canal for a dental crown.
Lakewood Dental Arts, 5555 Del Amo Blvd, Lakewood, CA 90713-2307 / (562) 384-1091 / / 10/20/2024 / Related Phrases: dentist Lakewood CA /